
I'm Anna e só (/ˈɐ̃.nɐ e ˈsɔ/), a Brazilian information systems architect currently living in Goiânia, Goiás. Currently, I'm one of the lead Outreachy organizers and a final year Information Systems undergraduate at Universidade Federal de Goiás. I wear many hats, but my heart is in systems thinking and practice.
Over the last decade, I've worked with (and learned from) the Wikimedia community (working on initiatives to improve MediaWiki's technical writing, localization, and internationalization practices), MediaLab/UFG (building Brazilian free and open source projects such as Mapas Culturais and Tainacan), LAPPIS/UnB (translating the Public Money, Public Code expert brochure into Brazilian Portuguese), Open Collective (revamping and improving their user-facing documentation), and Internews (translating Infuse's website and their Malicious Infrastructure learning path into Brazilian Portuguese).
I'm blind, and I take pride in offering open projects a unique point of view.
My pronouns are -/ela/a in Portuguese:
"Anna e só é uma arquiteta de sistemas de informação brasileira. Ela vive em Goiânia, Goiás. Anna é uma das pessoas organizadoras do Outreachy."
And they/them in English:
"Anna e só is a Brazilian information systems architect. They live in Goiânia, Goiás. Anna is one of the Outreachy organizers."
You can contact me through a series of intricate rituals, or on LinkedIn.
Keynotes #
Talks #
- Thinking about free and open source software, systemically (2023)
- Community design for inclusivity (2021)
- Redes descentralizadas (2020)
- Fazendo a sua primeira contribuição em um projeto aberto (2020)
Interviews #
- Software Freedom Conservancy (2024)
- Angola Open Source Community (2023)
- Peixe Babel (2021)
- LKConf (2020)
- Casa Hacker (2020)
- Big Open Source Sibling (2020)
- Mozilla Open Leaders (2018)
Why Not Applicable? #
I often see forms which include a "not applicable" option in the gender field. I find that amusing — it perfectly encapsulates my gender identity and my general life experience.
Colophon #
- Static site generator: Eleventy
- Eleventy starter: Eleventy base blog
- Source code: GitLab > notapplicable.dev
- Deployed with: GitLab Pages (I ♥ GitLab CI)
- Second brain: Obsidian
- Massive inspiration (concepts, CSS): Maxime Vaillancourt's digital garden template for Jekyll