Anna, a white femme person, poses for a picture in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. They are leaning against a handrail installed in an access to stairs outside the galleries with their arms open, their body facing the camera, their face slightly turned to their right. Their hair is dark and short, almost completely shaved. They're wearing prescription glasses with tortoise frames, a grey N95 mask, a black turtleneck with a double face scarf with illustrations of expressive cartoonish stars in bright yellow and navy blue, a dark green skirt with a black belt. They're using a bright red purse across their body and an earring that imitates Van Gogh's Sunflowers. In the background, the cityscape of a cloudy Amsterdam makes a contrast against Anna's colorful accessories.

Anna e só (/ˈɐ̃.nɐ e ˈsɔ/) is an information and process architect born, raised, and still based in Brazil. They’re one of the Outreachy organizers and an Information Systems undergraduate at Universidade Federal de Goiás. Over the last few of years, Anna has worked with (and learned from) the Wikimedia community, MediaLab/UFG, LAPPIS/UnB, and Open Collective. They take pride in offering open projects a unique point of view.

Anna uses -/ela/a pronouns in Portuguese and they/them pronouns in English.


